As a registered charity, we’re grateful for donations from the public which we can use to support our work of advancing the arts in Elmbridge.
If you would like to make a donation, please contact us directly.
We’ve been delighted to receive bequests from members of the Elmbridge community, who have wanted to leave their community a precious and lasting arts-related gift.If you would like to contribute to our future work with a bequest in your will, please speak to our team.
A bequest can take the form of a specific sum, property or the residue from your estate. The RC Sherriff Trust is a registered charity, so any gift your bequest is free of tax and can even help reduce the tax liability of your estate.
Please seek legal / financial professional advice to understand your options. If you would like to talk to us about any specific aspect of our work that you would be keen to support, or to leave any bequest open, please speak to our team.
Nigel Truefitt’s Bequest: Encouraging future musical talent
In 2014, we received a bequest from the estate of Nigel Truefitt. As Nigel had a passion for classical music, the Trustees decided that a fitting way to use this legacy was to create and deliver the Elmbridge Young Musician of the Year Award.